

Film Festival

A program of the Bradbury-sullivan lgbt community center

Are you a filmmaker that identifies as Queer or Trans and as a Black, ​Indigenous, ​Person of Color (QTBIPOC)? Do you live in Pennsylvania? ​Have you ever been hesitant to submit film work relating to QTBIPOC ​subjects because of adverse responses? Look no further!

May 16 & 17, 2025

The Festival centers QTBIPOC filmmakers in Pennsylvania, and creates ​a platform where they can interact with an audience and present their ​work in a fun, inclusive, and professional setting that celebrates them.

Film Strip Illustration

Location: TBA

Grayscale Photo of Film Reels
Empty Red Seats in Movie Theater
Popcorn in Buckets

About the

Keystone QTBIPOC Short Film Festival

The 1st Keystone QTBIPOC Short Film Festival is a 2-day event that will culminate ​with an awards ceremony.

The theme is “We Deserve PRIDE”. Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center encourages filmmakers to show their PRIDE and unity by…submitting works that celebrate members of the QTBIPOC community.

Genres/Type of Media Accepted:*

  • Narrative: Fictional live-action dramatic, comedic, horror, sci-fi/fantasy narratives with a ​runtime of 25 minutes or less.
  • Documentary: Non-fiction live-action films with a runtime of 25 minutes or less.
  • Experimental: Any films that push the boundaries of traditional storytelling and ​filmmaking with a runtime of 25 minutes or less (includes any digital zine projects in ​video and media arts).
  • Episodic: A pilot or single episode of any genre with a runtime of 25 minutes or less. ​Formats must include serialized content: television, mini-series, or web series. You are ​also encouraged to reference any additional or upcoming episodes in the cover letter.
  • Animated: Animated films, dramatic or nonfiction with a runtime of 25 minutes or less.
  • Musical: Music videos, dance films, and animated music videos with a runtime of 10 ​minutes or less.

*Student (K-12 & College) submissions must have a runtime of 15 minutes or less.


  • Films should center members of the Queer or Trans and Black, ​Indigenous, ​Person of Color (QTBIPOC) community and/or at least ​one of the three main roles (director, writer, producer) is led by a ​Queer or Trans and Black, Indigenous, ​Person of Color ​(QTBIPOC).
  • We accept films from filmmakers who live or reside in the state of ​Pennsylvania.
      • Writer, director, producer, lead actor, or other key creative must ​be Pennsylvanian
  • We encourage artists of all ages to submit their work. We have ​separate submission categories that specifically showcase the ​work of student filmmakers from K - 12 as well as in college. If you ​are under the age of 18 and your project is accepted, we will ​require signed, written permission from your parent or legal ​guardian before your project can be exhibited.
    • To qualify for student entry fees, entrant must provide a photocopy ​of a current and valid student ID card.
  • All films must have a runtime between 3 and 25 minutes. Student films ​should not exceed 15 minutes.
  • There are no restrictions on production date of the film.
  • Each submission must be accompanied by a high res still image (not a ​poster image) and a 15 word synopsis.
  • We encourage you to include a cover note with your submission if ​possible. We want to know more about you and your film.
  • We would like a 15 - 30 second trailer for each film.
  • English subtitles are required, closed caption file can be in .scc, .srt, or ​.vtt format.
  • File Formats accepted: mp4/.mov/WMV/.avi/FLV.
  • There is a maximum of (2) submissions. Each entry must be submitted ​on its own and include a separate entry form and entry fee.
  • We would appreciate filmmakers to fill out a brief demographic survey ​to help the Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center better ​understand the community we serve and find areas where we can ​improve.
    • Your answers will be confidential and will not have any bearing on your ​standing in the selection process. We will be able to refine programming, ​and obtain funding for upcoming projects with the use of survey data.

Self-Rating Your Submissions for Content

We want to make sure festival attendees are informed and can prepare themselves to engage with it or disengage with a film for their well-being. We ask that filmmakers choose the intended audience for their film as well as use this list and check all of the content warnings that apply to their submission. The content warnings in your submission have no standing on the selection of entries to the festival.

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Content Warnings

  • Coarse Language
  • Sexual Assault/Harassment
  • Rape
  • Abuse
  • Nudity
  • Pedophilia
  • Incest
  • Animal Cruelty/Death
  • Self-harm/Suicide/Suicidal ideation
  • Eating Disorders/Body-Hatred/Fatphobia
  • Violence/Blood/Gore
  • Erotic Content
  • Death/Dying
  • Sex Trafficking
  • Slurs
  • Xenophobia
  • Transphobia
  • Homophobia
  • Police Brutality/Violence
  • Trauma/Traumatic Injury
  • Flashing/Strobing Lights
  • Child Abuse/Neglect
  • Kidnapping/Abduction
  • Pregnancy/Childbirth
  • Miscarriages/Abortion
  • Mental Illness
  • Ableism
  • Racism/Racial Slurs
  • Sexism/Misogyny/Misandry
  • Murder/Torture

Copyright/Licensing Guidelines

  • By entering, you certify the film is original and holds full rights. No pending litigation or threats apply to the film. You're authorized to screen it at the festival. All music and footage rights are secured and you have secured all necessary licenses for copyrighted works. You also accept that Keystone QTBIPOC Short Film Festival is not responsible for obtaining any copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property clearances that may be required for screening of your film. If the person signing this agreement lacks the proper authority to do so, they will be held personally liable for all breaches of this contract.
  • You maintain all your rights, but are authorizing the use of your work for promotion of and exhibition at the Keystone QTBIPOC Short Film Festival. We may screen, use excerpts, and stills.

Resources for Information on Using Royalty-Free Music


Film submissions will only be accepted on FilmFreeway. We cannot ​consider any project that has not been officially submitted through ​FilmFreeway. FilmFreeway offers direct digital upload or the entry of ​Vimeo or YouTube links.

FilmFreeway accepts all major video formats in full quality HD with a ​10GB file size limit. All videos uploaded using this method will be ​transcoded for playback compatibility and performance, so your ​final submission video will be re-encoded using the following ​settings:

  • Maximum video bitrate: 2200 Kbps, H.264, mp4 Audio: 128 ​Kbps, AAC, 2 channel stereo Aspect ratio preserved; maximum ​video height of 720 pixels

Films that do not fit the eligibility requirements will be subject to ​disqualification. There is a non-refundable entry fee for submitting ​films to Keystone QTBIPOC Short Film Festival. The fee amount ​and payment details are provided below as well as on the festival's ​official FilmFreeway page.

Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center is offering fee waivers ​for entry to filmmakers who may have financial difficulties. To make ​a request, please email Tiersa Curry at, ​


Submissions are reviewed and selected ​under the following criteria:

    • Originality / Creativity
    • Directing
    • Writing
    • Acting Performances
    • Production Value
    • Pacing
    • Entertainment Value
    • Connection to QTBIPOC Community


Submissions Open

    • July 1, 2024

Regular Deadline

    • March 19, 2​025
      • Standard - ​$20
      • Student (College) - ​$15
      • Student (K-12) - F​ree

Late Deadline

    • April 19, 2​025
      • Standard - ​$25
      • Student (College) - ​$20
      • Student (K-12) - F​ree

Filmmakers of Selected Films Notif​ied

    • April 26, 20​25

We are pleased to announce that there are also scholarships available to QTBIPOC filmmakers who face financial barriers to submitting their work to the ​festival. For more information, please email Tiersa Curry (she/they) at

Donor - Chloe Cole-Wilson (3 scholarships available)

Awards & Prizes

Winners will receive award certificates for Best K-12 ​Submission, Best College Submission, Best ​Standard Submission, & Audience Choice. Winning ​films will be screened at Lehigh Valley Pride 2025 ​and preserved in the Lehigh Valley LGBT Community ​Archive.

Call for Screeners

Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center is looking for (3) individuals with a passion for film or experience in the fields of ​production and filmmaking to volunteer and serve as screeners for the first ever Keystone QTBIPOC Short Film Festival. Screeners ​assist in the vision of the festival by deciding which films to show. We are looking for screeners that are committed to their role of ​watching the short films all the way through, and willing to give the films an unbiased evaluation. If you cannot commit to this, please ​do not apply. Screeners cannot vote or comment on a film if they have professional or personal ties to anyone involved in its ​creation. Screeners will receive (2) tickets to the Festival and Award Ceremony.

  • Qualifications:
    • A member of the Queer or Trans and Black, Indigenous, ​Person of Color (QTBIPOC) community who is passionate about film or the ​performing arts, either through education or other experiences.
    • Reliable with deadlines.
    • Effectively communicate you like/dislike about a film.
    • Understand and uphold the mission and values of the Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center.
  • Responsibilities:
    • Ensure films meet submissions guidelines
    • Rate and review each film you watch.
    • Award selected films for the three categories: Best K-12 Submission, Best College Submission, & Best Standard Submission.
  • Additional Responsibilities:
    • Solicitation: reach out to 2+ different filmmakers to submit
    • Provide feedback on the final programming and schedule
    • Attend one (1) committee meeting a month leading up to the festival. (Virtual attendance accepted)
  • Time Commitment:
    • 2 hours of screening per month (virtually through FilmFreeway) between July 1, 2024 - April 26, 2025 (approximately 42 weeks)
    • 2 - 4 hours during the Awards Ceremony
Film Reel

Click me to be taken to the screener application ​for industry professionals!!

Film Reel

Click me to be taken to the screener application for people ​who are not industry professionals!!

Call for Talkback Panelists

Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center is looking ​for (3) individuals within the Queer or Trans and Black, ​Indigenous, People of Color community with experience ​in the fields of production, filmmaking, or content ​creation to serve as talkback panelists for the first ever ​Keystone QTBIPOC Short Film Festival on Friday, May ​16, 2025.

Film Reel

Click me to be taken to the ​application for talkback panelists!!

Check Back Closer to the event ​date for the festival schedule!

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Is Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center offering lodging and travel to filmmakers?

While we are unable to provide lodging or travel for filmmakers, we would appreciate your presence and active involvement in the festival! If your short has been chosen for screening and you are planning to attend, please contact us ahead of time so we can utilize your presence at the festival to its fullest potential.

Can someone other than the Director submit?

We strongly suggest that you have the director or a producer submit your film. If you are new to FilmFreeway, your first step will be to create an account and then to create a “project” for your submission. Please refer to the following page for more information on how to create a project and submit to festivals:

Please use an email address that is checked regularly in case we need to get in touch with you. If there is an issue with your submission and we are unable to get in touch with anyone by our final submission deadline, we will be forced to disqualify your submission without refund of submission fees.

What is the final deadline for entry?

The final deadline for entry is September 15, 2024 at 12:00AM ET.

Can I submit a rough cut or work-in-progress to the festival?

Unfortunately, we are not accepting any rough cuts or works-in-progress.

Will the screeners provide feedback on films not selected for the festival?

If the time permits, filmmakers have the option to receive feedback if their film is not selected for the festiva​l.

Do you offer any discounts or waivers?

If the price to submit your film for entry is a financial barrier, please email Tiersa Curry (she/they) at


Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center


We are a community demanding equity and creating a pathway for all LGBTQ+ people to thrive and experience Queer joy.


Our Center is a radically inclusive Queer space based in the Lehigh Valley. We foster Queer joy & liberation. We provide innovative programs, services and experiences for our LGBTQ+ siblings through connection, education, culture, and healing, while prioritizing the most marginalized populations throughout Pennsylvania.

Festival Partners and Sponsors

Follow Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center on social media for updates on the event!